The US National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity announced last week that recent discoveries regarding H5N1 influenza, or bird flu, were so dangerous that research details should be censored. Ordinary H5N1 kills 60 per cent of people infected but is not transmissible among humans. Scientists in the Netherlands and the US, however, have created a strain of H5N1 that is easily transmissible among ferrets and just as deadly as ordinary H5N1.
The board has recommended that the description of the materials and methods used to create this superbug should be omitted from articles reporting these ferret flu findings in science magazines.
Because ferrets provide the best model for influenza in humans, it seems likely the virus these scientists created would be equally contagious and deadly among people. Such a virus could kill more than a billion people if released by a terrorist group or disgruntled individual bent on wreaking havoc. Roughly half the human population might become infected and 60 per cent of those infected would die.
Publication of details of the research that produced this strain of H5N1 could have important public health benefits. It might facilitate development of new treatments or vaccines against similar strains of H5N1. It could also help public health scientists monitor changes of H5N1 occurring in nature, thus enabling advance warning if a contagious strain is about to emerge.
These benefits, however, are limited. First, to think these are important benefits we would have to assume that if a transmissible strain develops in nature, this will occur via changes similar to those made by scientists in the laboratory. But there are presumably any number of different routes via which a transmissible strain of H5N1 could evolve naturally.
Second, even if we have advance warning that a transmissible strain of H5N1 is about to emerge in nature, this might not do much good. An important lesson learnt from H1N1 (swine flu) was that not much can be done to contain new pandemic strains of influenza.
Third, insofar as they are real, such benefits could be achieved without making details about the research open to the public. Scientists involved in vaccine production and/or monitoring of H5N1 changes in nature could be informed about details of the ferret studies on a need-to-know basis.
Given the potentially apocalyptic consequences of publishing a detailed recipe for making such a dangerous virus, this is a clear case where the risks of publication would outweigh the benefits. We should thus applaud the recommendations made by the advisory board. Censorship of science is only appropriate in exceptional circumstances, but we should not be opposed to it in principle. Academic freedom, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press are all very important. But they are not so important that they should be defended regardless of the costs in terms of security and human life.
These ferret flu experiments provide a paradigm example of "dual-use" life science research. The very same research that might be used for good can also be used for bad purposes. Several controversial dual-use experiments published during the past decade reveal that biological sciences are in a situation similar to that of atomic physics during the first half of the 20th century. When physicists then discovered things such as atomic fission and the chain reaction, they realised these discoveries could be used for both good purposes (such as energy production) and bad purposes (such as weapons-making). Not long after such discoveries occurred, the first atomic bombs were made and used. Humans have lived in fear of nuclear holocaust ever since.
An implication of the revolution in genetics and biotechnology is that biological weapons of mass destruction are an increasingly real - and extremely frightening - possibility. This is thus a crucial moment for biology and science policymaking.
There are many measures in addition to censorship that can protect against the dangers of dual-use life science research. Among other things, we should educate scientists about the dual-use phenomenon, and ways in which their own research might be misused. Scientists should also receive more basic training in ethics, and there should be more scrutiny of proposed experiments before potentially dangerous research is conducted. Additional mitigating measures may include restrictions on who has access to materials and technologies that can be used for harmful purposes.
Because the potential harms and benefits of dual-use life science research are global in nature, important policy decisions should be made at the international level. Given its mandate regarding global public health policymaking, the World Health Organisation should play a leading role in the governance of dual-use research.
News source:smh
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